.. Gloss Project documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Nov 11 20:07:01 2014. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: gloss-logo-medium.png Gloss in a Nutshell ========================================= Gloss relies on a technique called "Content Assignment", this makes it possible for a designer to assign headers, footers, menus and other components to elements of a template, simply by assigning special classes to elements of their template. The Process -------------------------------- The general day to day workflow roughly looks like this: .. image:: gloss-the-big-idea-small.png 1. Layout and Content Assignment ```````````````````````````````` Start with an html layout, we'll assume that you spent time on each pixel and css rule to handcraft the most beautiful, well-formed, and preferably responsive, layout. .. image:: gloss-site-before-gloss.png To your html layout you then add special Gloss classes (specifically these are CSS classes prefixed with gl-). .. image:: gloss-site-with-gloss-classes.png 2. Publish ```````````````````````````````` Then you publish or upload your changes. As much as possible, Gloss does the rest for you.